1 899,-


RIAA-trinn fra Pro-Ject

Phono Box: Best buy classic for pure vinyl listening pleasure!

Today, many amplifiers do not have a specific phono cartridge input. Phono Box is an ideal phono preamplifier for these hifi system and accepts both MM and MC cartridges. The analogue output of Phono Box can easily be connected to a line-input (AUX,...) of your amplifier.

  • Preamplifier for MM or MC with switch on rear panel
  • Best buy classic
  • DC power supply (< 1 watt standby power)
  • Precise RIAA equalisation
  • Low noise ICs
  • Output stage with ultra-low impedance
  • Gold-plated RCA sockets
  • Small size for installation near record player
  • Available in black and silver

Tekniske data

Input impedance, MM
Input impedance, MC 100ohms/120pF
Gain, MM 40dB
Output voltage typically 300mV/1kHz at 3mV/1kHz (MM input)
Gain, MC 60dB
Output voltage typically 300mV/1kHz at 0,3mV/1kHz (MC input)
Max. output 9,5V (1kHz)
Noise floor, MM 86dB (94dB - A weighted)
Noise floor, MC 68dB (75dB - A weighted)
THD, MM 0,01%
THD, MC 0,05%
RIAA-equalisation curve accuracy 20Hz - 20kHz / max. 0,5dB
Outboard power supply 18V/200mA DC,
suitable for your country's mains supply
Standby power consumption < 1 watt
Dimensions W x H x D 103 x 36 x 103 (109 mm with sockets)
Weight 540g