11 990,-

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Profono is a discrete high quality analogue turntable cartridge amplifier which is installed before your pre-amp or integrated if you do not have a built in phono stage, or if the phono stage is of low quality.

For improved sound, dynamics and a greater detailed performance connect your tone arm cable directly to Profono, and then connect to the auxiliary of your pre-amp or integrated amp using RCA inter connecting cables.

Profono is designed and built to be a genuinely high-end phono preamplifier delivered at a highly competitive price point, able to compete with – and even outperform – models at twice the cost. Carefully selected premium-grade components and materials are used throughout – for example, the cheap ‘dip switches’ found in lesser phono stages are replaced by a series of shunt resistors to set cartridge impedance. This is a better quality solution than capacitance loading switches, which tend to be cheap and affect the purity of the signal, in addition to being an entrance point for RFI (Radio Frequency Interference).

Compact in size and sturdily built, Profono sports a cleverly designed all-aluminium case, with individual corner extrusions holding the aluminium panels together, ensuring a tight, rigid and reliable construction that is quick and efficient to manufacture. Casework of such quality is rare at this price point and serves to protect the internal components, reject sonically deleterious RFI and keep the unit solidly in position when heavy cables are connected.

To minimise noise and distortion, the Profono’s power supply unit (PSU) is housed separately and connected via a detachable cable. PSU upgrade options will be available at a later date, for those who wish to attain an even higher level of performance. A switch on the Profono’s rear panel gives three settings for cartridge gain: moving coil low (50dB), moving coil high (61dB) and moving magnet (41dB). Offering two moving coil gain settings is unusual for a sub-£1,000 phono preamp and ensures optimal performance with an extensive range of phono cartridges. The net result is a high performance yet affordable phono preamplifier that delivers wide compatibility and class-leading sound quality in a simple, convenient package.

Tekniske data


Fully adjustable/customised cartridge loading system
Moving coil low, high settings and moving magnet
Multi functional earth connection point
Solid RFI resistant case, 170 x 80 x 50mm (L x W x H)
Optional high quality power supply for upgrading later

Gain MM Vu 41 dB
MC (low) Vu 50 dB
MC (high) Vu 61 dB
Input resistance R in default value, 47KOhm (socket open)
Values can be set exactly with shunt resistors
Connected resistors to impedance sockets
Input capacitance 47pF
Power supply AC min 15VAC/250mA, max 10VAC
External dimensions 170 x 70 x 110mm (W x H x D)